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Cultural Resource Management

By Sector


By Service


City of Bishop Downtown Specific Plan & Mixed-Use Overlay Program EIR
HELIX supported the City of Bishop with preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Bishop Downtown Specific
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California HCD Fuel Break Expansion
HELIX is currently providing Section 106 and CEQA/NEPA services, including preparation of the appropriate environmental review documents and supporting technical
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Dumbarton Transit Oriented Development FMC Parcel C
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Angels Camp Sewer Line Collection System
HELIX is currently preparing a CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) for
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City of Clovis Veteran’s Affairs Environmental Compliance
HELIX provided cultural resource services for compliance with Veteran’s Affairs Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) regulations
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Palmdale Regional Groundwater Recharge & Recovery
HELIX Environmental Planning prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and conducted associated technical studies (including biological resources, acoustics, and air quality/greenhouse
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Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District Indirect Reuse Replenishment
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided CEQA and NEPA-related environmental support services for this proposed groundwater recharge project along the San
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University & Innovation District EIR
HELIX managed the preparation of various environmental technical studies and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documentation, as well as provided
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Lake Wohlford Dam Replacement
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) conducted environmental consulting and cultural resource management services for the Lake Wohlford Dam expansion project for
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City of Vista On-Call Cultural Resource Services
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) is providing cultural resource studies for a variety of projects and archaeological consulting services under an
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Mission Cove
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) completed archaeological fieldwork at Mission Cove for a data recovery program at a significant cultural resource
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Reclaimed Water Conveyance at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton
HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) is providing environmental management and construction services during the design and construction of a reclaimed water
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Owens Valley Solar Energy Study
Following HELIX Environmental Planning’s (HELIX’s) successful preparation of the Inyo County Renewable Energy General Plan Amendment (REGPA) and Program Environmental
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Tranquillity Solar Project
HELIX Environmental Planning was contracted with the County of Fresno to provide mitigation compliance and reporting services for Recurrent Energy’s
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