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Humboldt County As-Needed Cannabis Environmental Compliance Services

In January 2016, Humboldt County was the first local government in the state to adopt a comprehensive local regulatory program known as the Commercial Medical Marijuana Land Use Ordinance (CMMLUO). Following the adoption of the CMMLUO and the recently approved Proposition 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, Humboldt County has received thousands of applications for local land use permits. In June of 2017, HELIX began working with Humboldt County to review applications for conformance with the land use ordinance, general plan, CEQA, and other local and state regulations. Since June 2017, HELIX has carefully reviewed more than 200 applications and works closely with each applicant to ensure that they have provided adequate evidence to the County prior to CEQA clearance and permit approval. HELIX further assists the County in preparing staff reports as well as categorical exemptions for each complete application. HELIX continues to stay current and knowledgeable with policies and regulations concerning cannabis operations, helping local governments and private entities navigate this rapidly evolving environment.


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