
Serving our communities on a variety of levels, airports must continually identify and plan for improvements to meet demand, improve capacity and access, enhance service and safety, and stimulate the local economy. In an era of the “greening of aviation,” there is a growing expectation to build and operate sustainably – this comes with a variety of challenges and involves compliance with complex local, state, and federal regulations. In addition, whether airports are small municipal fields or commercial international facilities, their footprints often occupy large expanses of land that are rich with natural and cultural resources. Many are adjacent to, and/or have flight paths over, noise-sensitive land uses such as residential areas.
With more than 30 years of experience in California, HELIX has provided CEQA/NEPA compliance services, wildlife hazard assessment surveys, biological and wetland studies, and related environmental consulting services for airport and aviation-related projects throughout the state. We have worked on airport projects ranging from new terminal construction and dedicated air cargo facilities, to revenue-generating non-aviation commercial development on airport property. This is complemented with valuable expertise in air quality, noise assessment, and cultural resource management services.
HELIX biologists have extensive experience conducting wildlife hazard assessments across the state of California. Documenting wildlife activity at and in the vicinity of the airport helps to determine the presence or absence of a significant hazard to air carrier operations.