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Palmdale Regional Groundwater Recharge & Recovery

Palmdale KJC-22 desert tortoise surveyHELIX Environmental Planning prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and conducted associated technical studies (including biological resources, acoustics, and air quality/greenhouse gas emission calculations) for a proposed recharge site and associated pipelines in the City of Palmdale. The project proposed by the Palmdale Water District is intended to meet the district’s long-term water needs through a solution that is reliable, sustainable, cost effective, and drought-resistant. Specifically, the project would include a system of a recharge site, recovery wells, pipelines, and pump stations to recharge approximately 50,000 acre-feet per year of imported water and locally produced recycled water. HELIX conducted biological services for the project including vegetation mapping; habitat assessments for sensitive species; identification of potential jurisdictional waters; and focused surveys for sensitive plant species, desert tortoise, and burrowing owl.

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