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Pure Water San Diego

7_PureWaterSanDiegoHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) produced a detailed biological constraints report addressing a 20-year, phased program that involves planning, design, and construction of new advanced water purification facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, pump stations, and pipelines for the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department’s Pure Water Program. Pure Water San Diego is a phased, multi-year program to produce a locally controlled, drought-proof water supply (purified water) to supplement the City’s drinking water supply. Currently, the City is importing 85 percent of its water from northern California and the Colorado River. HELIX compiled biological resources information as part of the constraints study to help guide the overall design of the project and to provide the biological information to be used for the as part of the Programmatic EIR (PEIR) being prepared for the project. Currently HELIX is conducting vegetation mapping, jurisdictional delineation, fisheries assessments, and surveys for fairy shrimp species and rare plant species for the North City water purification portion of the Pure Water Program.

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