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Other Technical Studies

To complement our CEQA/NEPA compliance environmental consulting services, HELIX Environmental Planning provides additional technical studies including visual impact studies, waste management studies, and agricultural resource evaluations.

Visual Impact Studies

HELIX has extensive experience addressing aesthetics impacts, including the potential for degradation of scenic views, view blockage, and the related issues of light and glare and shadow impacts. HELIX staff have determined viewsheds and key observation points, photographically documented vistas and views, determined community values regarding views and architectural designs, determined the degree of potential view degradation, estimated the length and configuration of shadows at various times of the year, identified potential sources of light and glare and potential sensitive receptors, analyzed graphic depictions of existing views and anticipated view impacts (including analysis of computer visual simulations provided by team members), and provided appropriate mitigation recommendations to reduce impacts to less than significant levels. Public comments are often a factor in determining the significance of project impacts.

Waste Management Studies

To address potential waste generation impacts for development projects, HELIX can prepare Waste Management Plans (WMPs) for clients. The WMPs quantify the amount of waste anticipated to be generated during construction and operation of each project, and implement an approach for managing waste that conserves landfill space, preserves environmental quality, conserves natural resources, and reduces disposal costs. The WMPs are prepared in accordance with local waste management ordinances and the waste diversion goals established in State Assembly Bill 341, the Integrated Waste Management Act, as well as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Significance Determination Thresholds for Solid Waste.

Agricultural Resource Evaluations

HELIX provides technical and environmental evaluations of agricultural resources and related issues under CEQA and NEPA guidelines. This includes preparation of agricultural land technical studies to assess existing and potential agricultural resources, evaluate project-related impacts to and from these resources and identify potential mitigation options where appropriate. HELIX staff have been approved to prepare agricultural technical studies by the County of San Diego since 2002, and served on the Technical Review Panel that provided oversight and direction during preparation of the current County Guidelines for Determining Significance and Report Format and Content Requirements for Agricultural Resources. HELIX is also experienced in the preparation of agricultural assessments under the California Department of Conservation Land Evaluation and Assessment (LESA) Model guidelines, as well as Farmland Conversion Impact Rating assessments under the federal Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA).