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Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District Indirect Reuse Replenishment

San Gabriel WDHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided CEQA and NEPA-related environmental support services for this proposed groundwater recharge project along the San Gabriel River in Los Angeles County. The project, proposed by the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, would include a pump station and approximately 9 miles of 36-inch pipeline to convey recycled water from the San Jose Creek Water Reclamation Plant to groundwater recharge area operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to replenish groundwater in the San Gabriel Basin. The project also includes four water quality monitoring wells.
HELIX prepared an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) in compliance with CEQA, and assisted in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) in compliance with NEPA. Major issues included direct and indirect impacts on biological resources associated with the San Gabriel River and groundwater quality issues related to the discharge of recycled water. In support of these environmental documents, HELIX prepared technical studies including air quality and greenhouse gases (GHG), biological resources, and cultural resources. The biological analysis included vegetation surveys and a formal wetland jurisdictional delineation. The analysis of air quality, biology and cultural resources was also designed to comply with the CEQA Plus requirements associated with the use of the State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program administered by the State Water Resources Control Board. The CEQA Plus analysis evaluated the project impacts with respect to federal Clean Air Act, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, and Section 7 of the federal Endangered Species Act.

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