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Tapestry Specific Plan

Tapestry SP

HELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) prepared the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and air quality, biological resources, GHG, and noise technical studies, as well as managed the preparation of cultural resources, paleontological resources, and traffic technical studies for the Tapestry Specific Plan. The project analyzed in the EIR included 19,396 residential units and 137 acres of mixed use on the 9,365-acre site in the southeastern portion of the City of Hesperia in San Bernardino County. Impacts associated with the Specific Plan were analyzed at a programmatic level, while impacts associated with the Phase 1 Tentative Tract Map were analyzed at a project-specific level. HELIX also provided the following biological services for the project: vegetation mapping; jurisdictional delineation; focused species surveys for least Bell’s vireo, burrowing owl, arroyo toad, beavers, and rare plants; biological technical report; and agency coordination. HELIX worked with the development team to minimize impacts to the sensitive resources on the project site.

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