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Valiano simHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) is preparing environmental documentation and supporting technical studies for the construction of a residential community on an approximately 239-acre site in an unincorporated portion of northern San Diego County near the cities of San Marcos and Escondido. HELIX prepared the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), visual impact assessment, air quality analysis, greenhouse gas (GHG) analysis, acoustical site assessment, agricultural resources report, and biological technical report for the project. The EIR and technical studies addressed the development of a 326-unit (single-family) semi-rural residential community, including five residential neighborhoods, park and recreational uses; biological open space; an agricultural easement; an on-site wastewater treatment and water reclamation facility; three pump stations; a wet weather storage area; and an equestrian staging area in the southeastern portion of the site that would be retained. Key environmental issues included aesthetics, air quality, agriculture, biological resources, cultural resources, noise, paleontological resources, transportation, and hazards.

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