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USFWS Announces Changes to Fairy Shrimp Protocols

Jul 1, 2015 | Newsroom

07_01_15Fairy shrimp and tadpole shrimp – most of which are listed as endangered or threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act – are found in vernal pools and ephemeral basins throughout many parts of California. These protected invertebrates live primarily in seasonal wetlands that fill with water during the winter and dry up in spring and summer.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced substantial changes last week that are now in effect and will impact projects if vernal pools or ephemeral basins exist on the site. Caught off-guard, this has the potential to slow down your project, but with the right partner, surveys can be conducted at the appropriate times and frequency to keep you in compliance and on schedule.


HELIX Environmental Planning’s permitted biologists are authorized to conduct both wet and dry season sampling and are experts with the new guidelines. Additionally, HELIX is one of the few organizations authorized to both collect and analyze dry season soil samples, and we do this in house avoiding project delays and additional costs.


To discuss your project, contact Karl Osmundson, Biology Group Manager at KarlO@helixepi.com or 619.462.1515, ext. 231.

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