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University Avenue Mobility Plan

University ave MobilityHELIX prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), prepared and managed preparation of supporting technical studies, and provided support for a NEPA Categorical Exclusion (CE) for the University Avenue Mobility Plan for the City of San Diego. The EIR and CE addressed the implementation of multi-modal improvements identified in a mobility plan prepared for the University Avenue corridor, between Florida Street and Boundary Street, within the San Diego community of North Park. Major project features included conversion of the outside lane on University Avenue to a dedicated, bus-only lane, raised medians, curb extensions, enhanced pedestrian crosswalks, and consolidation of transit stops. The overall objectives of the plan were to: improve mobility within the project area for pedestrians and transit users; improve safety within the project area for pedestrians, bicycles, and motorized traffic; reduce automobile traffic trips within the project area; and promote sustainability of mixed-use and commercial development. A major focus of the EIR was the effect that conversion of automobile lanes to bus-only lanes would have on traffic circulation within surrounding neighborhoods. A detailed traffic study was prepared to evaluate traffic impacts. Impacts of the loss of street parking on surrounding neighborhoods, as well as merchants, were also considered.

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