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Torrey Pines City Park General Development Plan

HELIX prepared a Biological Technical Report (BTR), Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Technical Report, and draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) evaluating the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Torrey Pines General Development Plan which consists of a conceptual/master plan for the Torrey Pines City Park.  The approximately 57.3-acre project area is located along the City of San Diego coastline between La Jolla and Del Mar.  Adjacent uses include Torrey Pines State Beach, Torrey Pines City Beach, Torrey Pines Golf Course, Torrey Pines State Natural Preserve, University of California San Diego, and the Salk Institute. Biological fieldwork included vegetation mapping, general botanical and zoological surveys, and spring and fall rare plant surveys. The plan recommended general development options, including preserving and interpreting the park’s prehistoric and historic resources; improving aircraft uses (fixed-wing aircraft, radio controlled aircraft, hang-glider, and para-glider) and the flight operations center; improving beach access and trails; restoring eroded bluffs; expanding public parking, picnic and viewing opportunities, and restroom facilities; and improving access for emergency vehicles.  It included an adjustment to the City’s Multi-habitat Planning Area (MHPA) boundary to remove disturbed areas and add areas of extant and restored native habitats, for a net increase in the size of the MHPA.










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