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San Diego County Water Authority Pipeline Relining Projects

Pipeline ReliningHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) provided a variety of environmental services for the Water Authority’s pipeline relining projects located in the Second San Diego Aqueduct right-of-way. HELIX has prepared CEQA documents, including six Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs), one MND Addendum, and one Categorical Exemption; conducted focused surveys for coastal California gnatcatcher, least Bell’s vireo, Quino checkerspot butterfly, and rare plants; prepared biological and noise technical reports; prepared air quality calculations; managed traffic technical studies prepared by a subconsultant; coordinated with resource agencies; prepared a wetland permit package; and processed local agency permits, including City of San Diego Site Development Permits (SDP) and a County of San Diego Habitat Loss Permit. HELIX also provided construction monitoring during the construction phase of several.

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