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Salk Institute Master Plan

SalkHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the expansion of the world-renowned Salk Institute for Biological Studies, a private, biotechnology research institute in coastal San Diego. New construction would include phased implementation of scientific research buildings, support space, employee daycare facility, temporary housing units, and an underground parking structure on a 26-acre site that is listed as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places due to its contribution to modern architecture. Compliance with the University Community Plan, North City Local Coastal Program, City of San Diego Land Development Code, and other regulations was assessed. The EIR analyzed the environmental consequences of implementing a Master Planned Development Permit, Site Development Permit, Coastal Development Permit (CDP), Vesting Tentative Map, and Multi-Habitat Planning Area Boundary Line Adjustment. Potential impacts to visual quality/aesthetics, biological resources, cultural resources, historic resources, hydrology/water quality, traffic, noise, and air quality were evaluated. A project design change implemented by the applicant in response to Draft EIR public review comments required preparation of a Final EIR Preface (or additional information statement) detailing project modifications and their environmental consequences relative to the EIR conclusions. The EIR was prepared to address all intended phases of building out the Salk Institute campus, as envisioned in the overall campus Master Plan. Construction phasing was determined based on capital funding and programmatic growth.

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