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Recycled Water Projects and Proposition 1 Grants – Time to Get Started

Jun 30, 2015 | Newsroom

06_31_15California voters passed Proposition 1, The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Bond Act of 2014 on November 4, 2014. Commonly known as “The Water Bond,” this authorizes $7.12 billion in general obligation bonds for state water supply infrastructure projects, such as public water system improvements, surface and groundwater storage, drinking water protection, water recycling and advanced water treatment technology, water supply management and conveyance, wastewater treatment, drought relief, emergency water supplies, and ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration.


If you are planning to secure funding for recycled water projects through Proposition 1 grants, it’s now time to get started. The first step is completing the environmental package, which is actually required to be submitted prior to the grant application. With applications now being accepted, be sure you don’t miss this important window and opportunity to keep your projects on track. HELIX Environmental Planning is here to help clients with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Plus components of the Proposition 1 grant and State Revolving Fund loan applications, in addition to managing the enviromental aspects of water infrastructure projects.


To get started or for more information, contact Andrea Bitterling or Joanne Dramko, Environmental Planning Group Managers, at 619.462.1515.


You can also read more about the Proposition 1 water recycling funding process, through the State Water Resources Control Board website.

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