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Pardi Market Plaza Master Plan





















HELIX staff are guiding a contentious site in downtown Dixon from a gravel lot to a central plaza. With significant community outreach, four concept plans were refined into a single master plan which includes a bandstand, entryway arch, community mosaic wall, picnic areas, clock tower, and vibrant nighttime lighting. A portion of the space remains as parking lot, but will become permeable pavers with bioretention beneath and shade structures above. This space is designed to be used for food trucks, extra gathering space, or booths during events. Due to limited available funding, HELIX staff developed a phasing plan associated with the cost estimate, provided grant writing assistance, and created fundraising materials. HELIX staff completed construction documents and the CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), with construction anticipated in the summer of 2019.



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