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Padre Dam Municipal Water District As-Needed Environmental Consulting

66_PadreDamStoyerHELIX Environmental Planning has provided as-needed environmental consulting services to the Padre Dam Municipal Water District since 2011. During that time, HELIX has provided a wide range of services, including biological resources, cultural resources, noise, air quality/greenhouse gas and hazardous materials technical reports; environmental constraints evaluations; construction monitoring; wetland permitting; and CEQA document preparation ranging from Categorical Exemptions to an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Of note, HELIX prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND), CEQA Plus documentation (for a State Revolving Fund loan) and supporting technical studies, including an air quality/greenhouse gas (GHG) technical report, biological resources letter report, acoustical letter report, and cultural resources letter report for the proposed Phase 1 expansion of the district’s Ray Stoyer Water Recycling Facility and installation of an advanced water treatment plant (AWTP). The AWTP would enable the District to send highly treated recycled water (using micro-filtration, reverse osmosis, and advanced oxidation) to a groundwater recharge and reclamation project for injection into the Santee Basin aquifer or to surface discharge at Lake Jennings, increasing water supply reliability in the area. HELIX currently is preparing the Program EIR addressing the District’s Master Plan, which will also analyze the next phase of the proposed potable reuse project at a project-specific level.

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