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Orchard at Penryn

Orchard at Penryn Project siteHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) conducted a biological resource assessment, habitat mapping, and delineated waters of the United States on an approximately 15-acre site in Penryn within Placer County for the Orchard at Penryn residential project. The project site consists of two parcels located on the west side of Penryn Road, just north of I-80. Comprised primarily of oak woodland and annual grassland communities, the site is situated in the Sierra Nevada foothills with adjacent rural residential areas and undeveloped land. Implementation of the project requires remediation of contaminated soil from a previous vineyard operation. HELIX is working with the resources agencies including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife to secure permits for the project and to develop an on-site open space management plan, including a wetland restoration project.

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