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Ocotillo Wind Energy Project


HELIX Environmental Planning is providing biological consulting services for Pattern Energy Group’s 265 megawatt Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility project located on approximately 12,500 acres of Bureau of Land Management (BLM)-administered lands in western Imperial County. HELIX worked closely with BLM and wildlife agencies to develop survey protocols that met agency expectations, survey requirements, and the California Energy Commission’s (CEC’s) guidelines for reducing impacts to wildlife. HELIX’s survey work has included mapping vegetation, conducting a jurisdictional delineation, and conducting focused surveys for rare plants, burrowing owl, flat-tailed horned lizard, golden eagles, Peninsular bighorn sheep, bats, and barefoot banded gecko. HELIX also provided support during preparation of the Eagle Conservation Plan and Avian and Bat Protection Plan. HELIX conducted the pre-construction surveys, monitored installation of BMPs and SWPPP, and monitored construction of the project that includes 112 wind turbines, access roads, an underground electrical transmission system, and project substation. HELIX developed and is implementing the on-site Habitat Revegetation Plan to rehabilitate areas temporarily disturbed by construction activities, as well as the Off-Site Habitat Restoration Plan to restore 318 acres of wetland habitat at Carrizo Marsh as mitigation for project impacts to bighorn sheep habitat, sensitive vegetation communities, and jurisdictional washes.

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