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Miramar National Cemetery Vernal Pool Restoration

Miramar VPHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) conducted restoration monitoring of a vernal pool mitigation area located on Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar in the City of San Diego on lands leased to the Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration for the construction of the Miramar National Cemetery expansion project. The restoration plan included restoration and enhancement of vernal pool habitat as mitigation for the Miramar National Cemetery Project. Mitigation was conducted for direct impacts to vernal pools and ruts containing the federally listed endangered San Diego fairy shrimp and vernal pool indicator plant species. Additional restoration of upland watershed areas surrounding the mitigation pools occurred to increase the ecosystem value of the resource and to help ensure project success after five years. HELIX work included construction monitoring, vegetation salvage and stockpiling, monitoring the placement of soil inoculum into created vernal pools, upland planting/seeding in the surrounding areas, and ongoing maintenance.

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