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Longview Oaks Restoration & Enhancements

Longview Oaks ConstructionHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) staff developed the Longview Oaks Master Plan and construction documents, and supervised construction. The parcel of land was undeveloped and designated for parks and recreation open space, and was to be restored and enhanced through a State Department of Water Resources grant. The Master Plan included construction of seven vernal pools, creation of a detention wetland to filter stormwater run-off, and the restoration of perennial grassland and oak woodland. The Master Plan also included a path linking the northern and southern halves of the site using a boardwalk over sensitive wetland habitats. Interpretive signage was planned to explain site features, flora, and fauna to the local community. This project was a demonstration of restoration activities in the Arcade Creek watershed, a stream of significant concern in the Sacramento area because of its levels of toxicity. It was part of two larger studies (Arcade Creek Feasibility Study and Phase One Watershed Plan) developed by HELIX staff.


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