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HELIX Announces Promotions for Habitat Restoration & Biology Leadership

May 23, 2024 | Newsroom


HELIX is excited to announce the following leadership promotions for our habitat restoration and biology disciplines.


“On behalf of everyone at HELIX, I’m thrilled to recognize Pete, Karl, Beth, and Amy for their hard work and well-deserved promotions”, said Shelby Howard, Vice President and incoming Chief Executive Officer. “Not only do these promotions facilitate our leadership transition, but they also reflect the tremendous opportunities for growth and advancement within HELIX.”


Pete Tomsovic has been promoted to Habitat Restoration Discipline Leader to promote, grow, and assimilate HELIX’s habitat restoration activities firm-wide across office locations. Additionally, Pete works with HELIX’s restoration teams throughout the state to leverage the newest science and identify and integrate business and teaming opportunities statewide. Pete has 26 years of experience including 5 years at HELIX and holds a California Department of Pesticide Regulations Qualified Applicators License (QAL). He has successfully designed, implemented, and managed hundreds of habitat restoration projects throughout California. Pete’s project experience ranges across all habitat types including desert, coastal sage scrub, oak woodland, riparian, tidal wetland, chaparral, grassland, vernal pool, and wetland habitats. He has also designed and implemented numerous species-specific restoration projects for listed plant and wildlife species, prepared mitigation plans, long-term management plans, weed management plans, erosion control plans, and whole ecosystem restoration plans for federal, state, local, and private clients. Pete has also served on the California Society for Ecological Restoration (SERCAL) Board of Directors and was formerly the organization’s president.


Karl Osmundson has been promoted to Southern California Biology Division Manager where he leads a large team of biologists responsible for a variety of biological surveys and technical reports, aquatic resource delineations, regulatory and endangered species permitting, environmental compliance monitoring, and habitat restoration planning and implementation. Karl oversees the strategy, performance, and operation of the division, with focus areas that include employee development, business development, strategic planning, and financial performance. With 22 years of experience including 11 years at HELIX, Karl has served as a group manager, principal biologist, and senior project manager for a wide range of projects for public and private clients. He regularly provides strategic guidance to help minimize project impacts to biological resources during design, and he provides direction to guide clients through the complex and ever-changing regulatory permitting environment.


Beth Martinez has been promoted to Senior Biology Group Manager and now serves as the manager of team development for our Southern California biology division. In the team development role, she focuses on facilitating career development and advancement opportunities, technical training opportunities, and project management training for our large team of biologists. With 26 years of experience including 7 years at HELIX, Beth has served as a principal regulatory specialist and senior project manager for a wide range of public and private projects. She has served in lead roles to provide strategy and solve complex problems on behalf of clients and project teams, including consensus building and conflict resolution between clients’ needs and local, state, and federal regulatory policies. Beth is particularly skilled in developing teams and developing solutions for multi-faceted, complex projects.


Amy Lee has been promoted Biology Group Manager overseeing a team of biologists in San Diego County. With 16 years of experience including 7 years at HELIX, she has previously served as a team lead and a senior biology project manager. In her role as a group manager, Amy works with HELIX’s other group managers and operations team to provide guidance, mentorship, and support to biologists who work on a diversity of projects. She also continues to manage projects, oversee regulatory permitting and environmental compliance efforts, lead internal training, and provide quality control for HELIX work products. Amy has performed biological field work throughout San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties involving habitat assessments, vegetation mapping, tree surveys, jurisdictional delineations, California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM), permit compliance, constraints analysis, due diligence, and mitigation monitoring and reporting.


For More Information
HELIX offers a full-range of environmental consulting services across California including CEQA/NEPA compliance, biological studies, cultural resource studies, architectural history, habitat restoration, landscape architecture, regulatory permitting, environmental compliance and mitigation monitoring, and air quality/greenhouse gas and noise studies. For more information or to discuss your project please contact Pete at petert@helixepi.com, Karl at karlo@helixepi.com, Beth at bethm@helixepi.com, or Amy at amyl@helixepi.com.

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