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Etiwanda Pipeline North Relining

Etiwanda PipelineHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and associated technical studies for The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Etiwanda Pipeline North Relining Project in the cities of Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga. The project consists of relining approximately five miles of 144-inch-diameter pipeline. Surface activities would occur at a series of portals and existing access locations along the pipeline, and certain project activities would occur 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The pipeline right-of-way is located immediately adjacent to residential properties, with some excavation activities planned within approximately 20 feet of the residences. Because of the proximity of the pipeline to residences and the intensity of project activities, key project issues include elevated noise levels and emission of pollutants (including toxic air contaminants).
HELIX prepared air quality, biological resources, greenhouse gas (GHG), and noise technical reports, and oversaw preparation of traffic and cultural resources technical reports by subconsultants. HELIX investigated the potential effects on biological resources, including performing vegetation mapping, habitat assessment survey of the federally listed endangered Delhi sands flower-loving fly, and (through a subconsultant) trapping for small mammals. HELIX also prepared an Initial Study (IS) and Notice of Preparation (NOP), which have allowed the EIR to be focused on the key project issues that have potential to result in significant environmental impacts. Due to the complexity of the project, it has been vital for HELIX to work closely with Metropolitan’s environmental, engineering, design, and construction management staff throughout the duration of the project. The project team worked together to develop equipment usage assumptions for impact modeling, and coordinated to determine the feasibility of various potential mitigation measures. HELIX’s acoustical specialists also provided input into the construction specifications for the necessary noise barriers. HELIX prepared an Addendum to address minor changes in project design subsequent to certification of the EIR, and will be providing acoustical and biological monitoring of the project during construction.

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