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Desert Green Solar Farm Commercial Operations Begin

Dec 10, 2014 | Newsroom

17_DesertGrnSolarThe 6.3-megawatt Desert Green Solar Farm, located in Borrego Springs, began commercial operations this week. The output is being sold to San Diego Gas & Electric to supply power for public consumption. The 62-acre renewable energy facility uses more than 3,500 concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) modules, made by San Diego-based Soitec Solar Development, to boost output.


HELIX Environmental Planning installed an exclusionary fence prior to construction to safeguard two protected lizard species (flat-tailed horned lizards and Colorado Desert fringed-toed lizards) and provided biological monitoring during construction of the project. HELIX biologists, with authorizations to survey for and handle flat-tailed horned lizards, monitored the fence installation and conducted clearance surveys. In addition, HELIX also monitored construction activities to help ensure compliance with project requirements.


For additional information, please also see San Diego Business Journal’s Desert Green Solar article.

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