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COVID-19 Safety and Operations Update

Mar 17, 2020 | Newsroom

HELIX  is open with our telework policy implemented for the safety of our employees, clients, and business partners.


As the coronavirus continues to spread through the communities in which we live and work, we want you to be aware of the steps that we have taken to promote the safety of our employees, clients, and business partners, and ensure the business continuity of our operations.


As of Friday, March 13, 2020, we have implemented our telework policy with staff now working from their home offices across California. Our technology infrastructure allows for a seamless transition between working from our business locations and working from any other remote location, to include home offices. All staff have access to our network and files, email, and phone messages as they normally would in the HELIX offices. We have also moved all in-person meetings to conference calls and video teleconferencing. We are utilizing a variety of cloud-based file-sharing, online conferencing, collaboration, and remote access tools that allow us to continue to work closely together but in a virtual space. At this time, our main phone lines continue to be staffed during normal business hours, so you can still reach us by the same means to which you have become accustomed. Our field survey, habitat maintenance, and construction monitoring crews are continuing their outdoor services, following our clients’ policies and with careful “social distancing” and equipment cleaning policies in practice. We will continue to adapt as the situation evolves.


While we recognize that this isn’t “business as usual” we have acted swiftly to protect the safety of our employees, business partners, and clients, and we are well-prepared to continue our operations successfully. The situation is ever-evolving and we will continue to monitor events closely, develop and implement new measures as needed, and share updates to keep you informed.


We appreciate your understanding, and we send our best to you, your teams, and your families during this challenging and unsettling time.



Michael Schwerin
Chief Executive Officer

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