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Beth Ehsan Promoted to Biology Group Manager

Aug 4, 2023 | Newsroom

Beth Ehsan headshotWe are excited to announce the promotion of Beth Ehsan to Biology Group Manager!


In this expanded role, Beth joins the Southern California Biology Division leadership overseeing a diverse team of biologists who work on a wide variety of biological surveys, environmental compliance monitoring, restoration planning and monitoring, and regulatory permitting for private and public projects. She has 17 years of professional experience preparing environmental documents in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and a wealth of experience finding creative, workable solutions for a broad range of environmental impacts. Beth specializes in biological resources, habitat conservation planning, and resource management.


Beth has extensive experience working in multiple jurisdictions throughout Southern California. She has been managing complex projects since joining HELIX in 2015 that have included due diligence investigations, biological technical reports, Caltrans Natural Environment Study (NES) reports, wetland delineations, alternatives analyses, Resource Management Plans, habitat mitigation and monitoring plans (HMMPs), and regulatory permitting efforts with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Over the last two years, Beth has also taken on a team lead role at HELIX expanding the guidance and support she provides to biologists and managers within the Biology Division.


Our staff, clients, and teaming partners have enjoyed Beth’s focused leadership, responsiveness, and dedicated approach to project management. We are proud of Beth and look forward to continuing to see her succeed, so please join us in celebrating this accomplishment! To reach Beth and discuss your project, you can email her at BethE@helixepi.com or call 619.462.1515.




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