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Arnie’s Point Vernal Pools

Arnies pointHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) biologists and Construction Group staff conducted vernal pool habitat restoration for the Arnie’s Point Vernal Pool/Fairy Shrimp Restoration Project. Activities ranged from restoration planning to Project construction, maintenance, and long-term monitoring. The approximately 20-acre Project is located adjacent to the U.S.-Mexico border in the City of San Diego and supports approximately 40 restored/created pools, restored native grassland habitat, and five artificial burrowing owl burrows. Restoration took place on this site as mitigation for impacts to vernal pools and the federally listed Riverside fairy shrimp and San Diego button celery resulting from the new border fence project. The restoration Project met its 5-year success criteria with Riverside fairy shrimp successfully being established in the majority of the pools on site. In addition, San Diego fairy shrimp and San Diego button celery occur throughout the site. Two pairs of burrowing owls were observed using the created burrows during the breeding season. HELIX teamed with Dr. Charles Black on this Project

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