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25 Area Combat Town Upgrade at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

Combat Town PhotoHELIX Environmental Planning (HELIX) conducted biological surveys and prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) addressing improvements to the existing 25 Area Combat Town within the Kilo Two Training Area at Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton. The proposed action included installation of 100 new temporary units to simulate a high-density urban area for Mobile Operations in Urban Terrain training purposes, and to construct an electrical utility line to serve the training facilities. The EA also evaluated the installation of additional temporary units at an approach point south of the combat town. Natural resources services provided by HELIX under this task, which received an “Exceptional” ACASS rating, included conducting a general biological resources survey, conducting a delineation to identify wetlands and other waters of the U.S. subject to Clean Water Act jurisdiction, conducting a focused survey for thread-leaved brodiaea, and conducting dry season sampling for federally listed fairy shrimp species. HELIX also assessed the potential occurrence of coastal California gnatcatcher in habitat adjacent to the Combat Town and a proposed utility line leading to the site.

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